Emådalens Fiber Ekonomisk Förening
Bredband via fiber i södra Högsby

About us

We offer connection to our established fiber optic network.
Get in touch with us to receive more information!

The current board consists of

Nils-Erik Nilsson (ordförande)
Yvonne Klang (kassör)
Ann Bradley
Magnus Ek
Nils Carlsson
Günter Feierabend

All members of the association own a house within the territory defined by the statutes of the association.

A first meeting of homeowners in the Gilberga - Kolsrum area took place in autumn 2019. A temporary board was formed to deal with plans for a fiber optic network.

The excavations, carried out together with E.On, started in autumn 2020 and lasted until May 2021. After that we started installing and connecting the fiber optic network, which was completed in spring 2022.